6.1.1. Solvation Shell Analysis

Analyzes the number of solvent molecules within given distances of the solute. The solvation tool is built with the framwework.

New in version 0.8.0.

class mdpow.analysis.solvation.SolvationAnalysis(solute: mdpow.analysis.ensemble.EnsembleAtomGroup, solvent: mdpow.analysis.ensemble.EnsembleAtomGroup, distances: List[float])[source]

Measures the number of solvent molecules withing the given distances in an Ensemble .

An EnsembleAtom containing the solute used to measure distance.
An EnsembleAtom containing the solvents counted in by the distance measurement. Each solvent atom is counted by the distance calculation.
Array like of the cutoff distances around the solute measured in Angstroms.

The data is returned in a pandas.DataFrame with observations sorted by distance, solvent, interaction, lambda, time.


Typical Workflow:

ens = Ensemble(dirname='Mol')
solvent = ens.select_atoms('resname SOL and name OW')
solute = ens.select_atoms('resname UNK')

solv_dist = SolvationAnalysis(solute, solvent, [1.2, 2.4]).run(stop=10)
run(start=None, stop=None, step=None)

Runs _single_universe on each system and _single_frame on each frame in the system.

First iterates through keys of ensemble, then runs _setup_system which defines the system and trajectory. Then iterates over trajectory frames.