Source code for mdpow.equil

# Copyright (c) 2010-2011 Oliver Beckstein

:mod:`mdpow.equil` --- Setting up and running equilibrium MD

The :mod:`mdpow.equil` module facilitates the setup of equilibrium
molecular dynamics simulations of a compound molecule in a simulation
box of water or other solvent such as octanol.

It requires as input

 - the itp file for the compound
 - a coordinate (structure) file (in pdb or gro format)

By default it uses the *OPLS/AA* forcefield and the *TIP4P* water

.. warning:: Other forcefields than OPLS/AA are currently not
   officially supported; it is not hard to do but requires tedious
   changes to a few paths in template scripts.

.. autoclass:: Simulation
.. autoclass:: WaterSimulation
.. autoclass:: OctanolSimulation

.. autodata:: DIST
import pickle

import os, errno
import shutil

import MDAnalysis as mda

    import gromacs.setup, gromacs.cbook
except (ImportError, OSError):
    raise ImportError("Gromacs installation not found, source GMXRC?")
from gromacs.utilities import in_dir, realpath, asiterable, AttributeDict
import gromacs.utilities

from . import config
from . import forcefields
from .restart import Journalled

import logging
logger = logging.getLogger('mdpow.equil')

# ITP <-- forcefields.get_solvent_model(id).itp
# BOX <-- forcefields.get_solvent_model(id).coordinates

# TODO: change to water distance 1.2 in the future (1.0 for
#       compatibility with our SAMPL5 runs)
#: minimum distance between solute and box surface (in nm)
DIST = {'water': 1.0, 'octanol': 1.5, 'cyclohexane': 1.5, 'wetoctanol': 1.5}

[docs]class Simulation(Journalled): """Simple MD simulation of a single compound molecule in water. Typical use :: S = Simulation(molecule='DRUG') S.topology(itp='drug.itp') S.solvate(struct='DRUG-H.pdb') S.energy_minimize() S.MD_relaxed() S.MD() .. Note:: The OPLS/AA force field and the TIP4P water molecule is the default; changing this is possible but will require provision of customized itp, mdp and template top files at various stages. """ #: Keyword arguments to pre-set some file names; they are keys in :attr:`Simulation.files`. filekeys = ('topology', 'processed_topology', 'structure', 'solvated', 'ndx', 'energy_minimized', 'MD_relaxed', 'MD_restrained', 'MD_NPT') topdir_default = "Equilibrium" dirname_default = os.path.curdir solvent_default = 'water' #: Coordinate files of the full system in increasing order of advancement of #: the protocol; the later the better. The values are keys into :attr:`Simulation.files`. coordinate_structures = ('solvated', 'energy_minimized', 'MD_relaxed', 'MD_restrained', 'MD_NPT') checkpoints = ('solvated','energy_minimized','MD_relaxed','MD_restrained','MD_NPT') #: Check list of all methods that can be run as an independent protocol; see also #: :meth:`Simulation.get_protocol` and :class:`restart.Journal` protocols = ("MD_NPT", "MD_NPT_run", # *_run as dummies for the ... "MD_relaxed", "MD_relaxed_run", # ...checkpointing logic "MD_restrained", "MD_restrained_run", "energy_minimize", "solvate", "topology") #: Default Gromacs *MDP* run parameter files for the different stages. #: (All are part of the package and are found with :func:`mdpow.config.get_template`.) mdp_defaults = {'MD_relaxed': 'NPT_opls.mdp', 'MD_restrained': 'NPT_opls.mdp', 'MD_NPT': 'NPT_opls.mdp', 'energy_minimize': 'em_opls.mdp', } def __init__(self, molecule=None, **kwargs): """Set up Simulation instance. The *molecule* of the compound molecule should be supplied. Existing files (which have been generated in previous runs) can also be supplied. :Keywords: *molecule* Identifier for the compound molecule. This is the same as the entry in the ``[ molecule ]`` section of the itp file. ["DRUG"] *filename* If provided and *molecule* is ``None`` then load the instance from the pickle file *filename*, which was generated with :meth:``. *dirname* base directory; all other directories are created under it *forcefield* 'OPLS-AA' or 'CHARMM' or 'AMBER' *solvent* 'water' or 'octanol' or 'cyclohexane' or 'wetoctanol' *solventmodel* ``None`` chooses the default (e.g, :data:`mdpow.forcefields.DEFAULT_WATER_MODEL` for ``solvent == "water"``. Other options are the models defined in :data:`mdpow.forcefields.GROMACS_WATER_MODELS`. At the moment, there are no alternative parameterizations included for other solvents. *mdp* dict with keys corresponding to the stages ``energy_minimize``, ``MD_restrained``, ``MD_relaxed``, ``MD_NPT`` and values *mdp* file names (if no entry then the package defaults are used) *distance* minimum distance between solute and closest box face *kwargs* advanced keywords for short-circuiting; see :data:`mdpow.equil.Simulation.filekeys`. """ self.__cache = {} filename = kwargs.pop('filename', None) dirname = kwargs.pop('dirname', self.dirname_default) forcefield = kwargs.pop('forcefield', 'OPLS-AA') solvent = kwargs.pop('solvent', self.solvent_default) # mdp files --- should get values from default runinput.cfg # None values in the kwarg mdp dict are ignored # self.mdp: key = stage, value = path to MDP file # 'water' will choose the default ('tip4p'), other choices are # 'tip3p', 'spc', 'spce', 'm24', for water; no choices # available for 'cyclohexane' and 'octanol' solventmodel = kwargs.pop('solventmodel', None) mdp_kw = kwargs.pop('mdp', {}) self.mdp = dict((stage, config.get_template(fn)) for stage,fn in self.mdp_defaults.items()) self.mdp.update(dict((stage, config.get_template(fn)) for stage,fn in mdp_kw.items() if fn is not None)) if molecule is None and filename is not None: # load from pickle file self.load(filename) self.filename = filename kwargs = {} # for super else: self.molecule = molecule or 'DRUG' self.dirs = AttributeDict( basedir=realpath(dirname), # .../Equilibrium/<solvent> includes=list(asiterable(kwargs.pop('includes',[]))) + [config.includedir], ) # pre-set filenames: keyword == variable name self.files = AttributeDict([(k, kwargs.pop(k, None)) for k in self.filekeys]) self.deffnm = kwargs.pop("deffnm", "md") if self.files.topology: # assume that a user-supplied topology lives in a 'standard' top dir # that includes the necessary itp file(s) self.dirs.topology = realpath(os.path.dirname(self.files.topology)) self.dirs.includes.append(self.dirs.topology) self.forcefield = forcefield self.solvent_type = solvent self.solventmodel_identifier = forcefields.get_solvent_identifier( solvent, model=solventmodel, forcefield=forcefield, ) if self.solventmodel_identifier is None: msg = "No parameters for solvent {0} and solventmodel {1} available.".format( solvent, solventmodel) logger.error(msg) raise ValueError(msg) self.solventmodel = forcefields.get_solvent_model( self.solventmodel_identifier, forcefield=forcefield, ) distance = kwargs.pop('distance', None) distance = distance if distance is not None else DIST[solvent] self.solvent = AttributeDict(itp=self.solventmodel.itp, box=self.solventmodel.coordinates, distance=distance) self.filename = filename or self.solvent_type+'.simulation' super(Simulation, self).__init__(**kwargs) def BASEDIR(self, *args): return os.path.join(self.dirs.basedir, *args)
[docs] def save(self, filename=None): """Save instance to a pickle file. The default filename is the name of the file that was last loaded from or saved to. """ if filename is None: if self.filename is None: self.filename = filename or self.solvent_type+'.simulation' logger.warning("No filename known, saving instance under name %r", self.filename) filename = self.filename else: self.filename = filename with open(filename, 'wb') as f: pickle.dump(self, f) logger.debug("Instance pickled to %(filename)r" % vars())
[docs] def load(self, filename=None): """Re-instantiate class from pickled file.""" if filename is None: if self.filename is None: self.filename = self.molecule.lower() + '.pickle' logger.warning("No filename known, trying name %r", self.filename) filename = self.filename with open(filename, 'rb') as f: instance = pickle.load(f) self.__dict__.update(instance.__dict__) logger.debug("Instance loaded from %(filename)r" % vars())
[docs] def make_paths_relative(self, prefix=os.path.curdir): """Hack to be able to copy directories around: prune basedir from paths. .. Warning:: This is not guaranteed to work for all paths. In particular, check :attr:`mdpow.equil.Simulation.dirs.includes` and adjust manually if necessary. """ def assinglet(m): if len(m) == 1: return m[0] elif len(m) == 0: return None return m basedir = self.dirs.basedir for key, fn in self.files.items(): try: self.files[key] = fn.replace(basedir, prefix) except AttributeError: pass for key, val in self.dirs.items(): fns = asiterable(val) # treat them all as lists try: self.dirs[key] = assinglet([fn.replace(basedir, prefix) for fn in fns]) except AttributeError: pass for key, fn in self.mdp.items(): try: self.mdp[key] = fn.replace(basedir, prefix) except AttributeError: pass logger.warning("make_paths_relative(): check/manually adjust %s.dirs.includes = %r !", self.__class__.__name__, self.dirs.includes)
[docs] def topology(self, itp='drug.itp', prm=None, **kwargs): """Generate a topology for compound *molecule*. :Keywords: *itp* Gromacs itp file; will be copied to topology dir and included in topology *prm* Gromacs prm file; if given, will be copied to topology dir and included in topology *dirname* name of the topology directory ["top"] *kwargs* see source for *top_template*, *topol* """ self.journal.start('topology') dirname = kwargs.pop('dirname', self.BASEDIR('top')) self.dirs.topology = realpath(dirname) setting = forcefields.get_ff_paths(self.forcefield) template = forcefields.get_top_template(self.solvent_type) top_template = config.get_template(kwargs.pop('top_template', template)) topol = kwargs.pop('topol', os.path.basename(top_template)) self.top_template = top_template itp = os.path.realpath(itp) _itp = os.path.basename(itp) if prm is None: prm_kw = '' else: prm = os.path.realpath(prm) _prm = os.path.basename(prm) prm_kw = '#include "{}"'.format(_prm) with in_dir(dirname): shutil.copy(itp, _itp) if prm is not None: shutil.copy(prm, _prm) gromacs.cbook.edit_txt(top_template, [(r'#include +"oplsaa\.ff/forcefield\.itp"', r'oplsaa\.ff/', setting[0]), (r'#include +"compound\.itp"', r'compound\.itp', _itp), (r'#include +"oplsaa\.ff/tip4p\.itp"', r'oplsaa\.ff/tip4p\.itp', setting[0] + self.solvent.itp), (r'#include +"oplsaa\.ff/ions_opls\.itp"', r'oplsaa\.ff/ions_opls\.itp', setting[1]), (r'#include +"compound\.prm"', r'#include +"compound\.prm"', prm_kw), (r'#include +"water\.itp"', r'water\.itp', setting[2]), (r'Compound', 'solvent', self.solvent_type), (r'Compound', 'DRUG', self.molecule), (r'DRUG\s*1', 'DRUG', self.molecule), ], newname=topol)'[%(dirname)s] Created topology %(topol)r that includes %(_itp)r', vars()) # update known files and dirs self.files.topology = realpath(dirname, topol) if not self.dirs.topology in self.dirs.includes: self.dirs.includes.append(self.dirs.topology) self.journal.completed('topology') return {'dirname': dirname, 'topol': topol}
@staticmethod def _setup_solvate(**kwargs): """Solvate structure in a single solvent box.""" return gromacs.setup.solvate(**kwargs)
[docs] def solvate(self, struct=None, **kwargs): """Solvate structure *struct* in a box of solvent. The solvent is determined with the *solvent* keyword to the constructor. :Keywords: *struct* pdb or gro coordinate file (if not supplied, the value is used that was supplied to the constructor of :class:`~mdpow.equil.Simulation`) *distance* minimum distance between solute and the closes box face; the default depends on the solvent but can be set explicitly here, too. *bt* any box type understood by :func:`gromacs.editconf` (``-bt``): * "triclinic" is a triclinic box, * "cubic" is a rectangular box with all sides equal; * "dodecahedron" represents a rhombic dodecahedron; * "octahedron" is a truncated octahedron. The default is "dodecahedron". *kwargs* All other arguments are passed on to :func:`gromacs.setup.solvate`, but set to sensible default values. *top* and *water* are always fixed. """ self.journal.start('solvate') self.dirs.solvation = realpath(kwargs.setdefault('dirname', self.BASEDIR('solvation'))) kwargs['struct'] = self._checknotempty(struct or self.files.structure, 'struct') kwargs['top'] = self._checknotempty(self.files.topology, 'top') kwargs['water'] = kwargs.setdefault('mainselection', '"%s"' % self.molecule) # quotes are needed for make_ndx kwargs.setdefault('distance', self.solvent.distance) boxtype = kwargs.pop('bt', None) boxtype = boxtype if boxtype is not None else "dodecahedron" if boxtype not in ("dodecahedron", "triclinic", "cubic", "octahedron"): msg = "Invalid boxtype '{0}', not suitable for 'gmx editconf'.".format(boxtype) logger.error(msg) raise ValueError(msg) kwargs['bt'] = boxtype kwargs['includes'] = asiterable(kwargs.pop('includes',[])) + self.dirs.includes params = self._setup_solvate(**kwargs) self.files.structure = kwargs['struct'] self.files.solvated = params['struct'] self.files.ndx = params['ndx'] # we can also make a processed topology right now self.processed_topology(**kwargs) self.journal.completed('solvate') return params
[docs] def processed_topology(self, **kwargs): """Create a portable topology file from the topology and the solvated system.""" if self.files.solvated is None or not os.path.exists(self.files.solvated): self.solvate(**kwargs) kwargs['topol'] = self.files.topology kwargs['struct'] = self.files.solvated kwargs['includes'] = self.dirs.includes self.files.processed_topology = gromacs.cbook.create_portable_topology(**kwargs) return self.files.processed_topology
[docs] def energy_minimize(self, **kwargs): """Energy minimize the solvated structure on the local machine. *kwargs* are passed to :func:`gromacs.setup.energ_minimize` but if :meth:`~mdpow.equil.Simulation.solvate` step has been carried out previously all the defaults should just work. """ self.journal.start('energy_minimize') self.dirs.energy_minimization = realpath(kwargs.setdefault('dirname', self.BASEDIR('em'))) kwargs['top'] = self.files.topology kwargs.setdefault('struct', self.files.solvated) kwargs.setdefault('mdp', self.mdp['energy_minimize']) kwargs['mainselection'] = None kwargs['includes'] = asiterable(kwargs.pop('includes',[])) + self.dirs.includes params = gromacs.setup.energy_minimize(**kwargs) self.files.energy_minimized = params['struct'] self.journal.completed('energy_minimize') return params
def _MD(self, protocol, **kwargs): """Basic MD driver for this Simulation. Do not call directly.""" self.journal.start(protocol) kwargs.setdefault('dirname', self.BASEDIR(protocol)) kwargs.setdefault('deffnm', self.deffnm) kwargs.setdefault('mdp', config.get_template('NPT_opls.mdp')) self.dirs[protocol] = realpath(kwargs['dirname']) setupMD = kwargs.pop('MDfunc', gromacs.setup.MD) kwargs['top'] = self.files.topology kwargs['includes'] = asiterable(kwargs.pop('includes',[])) + self.dirs.includes kwargs['ndx'] = self.files.ndx kwargs['mainselection'] = None # important for SD (use custom mdp and ndx!, gromacs.setup._MD) self._checknotempty(kwargs['struct'], 'struct') if not os.path.exists(kwargs['struct']): # struct is not reliable as it depends on qscript so now we just try everything... struct = gromacs.utilities.find_first(kwargs['struct'], suffices=['pdb', 'gro']) if struct is None: logger.error("Starting structure %(struct)r does not exist (yet)" % kwargs) raise IOError(errno.ENOENT, "Starting structure not found", kwargs['struct']) else:"Found starting structure %r (instead of %r).", struct, kwargs['struct']) kwargs['struct'] = struct # now setup the whole simulation (this is typically gromacs.setup.MD() ) params = setupMD(**kwargs) # params['struct'] is md.gro but could also be md.pdb --- depends entirely on qscript self.files[protocol] = params['struct'] # Gromacs 4.5.x 'mdrun -c PDB' fails if it cannot find 'residuetypes.dat' # so instead of fuffing with GMXLIB we just dump it into the directory try: shutil.copy(config.topfiles['residuetypes.dat'], self.dirs[protocol]) except IOError: logger.warning("Failed to copy 'residuetypes.dat': mdrun will likely fail to write a final structure") self.journal.completed(protocol) return params
[docs] def MD_relaxed(self, **kwargs): """Short MD simulation with *timestep* = 0.1 fs to relax strain. Energy minimization does not always remove all problems and LINCS constraint errors occur. A very short *runtime* = 5 ps MD with very short integration time step *dt* tends to solve these problems. .. See Also:: :func:`gromacs.setup.MD` :Keywords: *struct* starting coordinates (typically guessed) *mdp* MDP run parameter file for Gromacs *qscript* list of queuing system submission scripts; probably a good idea to always include the default "" even if you have your own [""] *qname* name of the job as shown in the queuing system *startdir* **advanced uses**: path of the directory on a remote system, which will be hard-coded into the queuing system script(s); see :func:`gromacs.setup.MD` and :class:`gromacs.manager.Manager` """ # user structure or restrained or solvated kwargs.setdefault('struct', self.files.energy_minimized) kwargs.setdefault('dt', 0.0001) # ps kwargs.setdefault('runtime', 5) # ps kwargs.setdefault('mdp', self.mdp['MD_relaxed']) return self._MD('MD_relaxed', **kwargs)
[docs] def MD_restrained(self, **kwargs): """Short MD simulation with position restraints on compound. See documentation of :func:`gromacs.setup.MD_restrained` for details. The following keywords can not be changed: top, mdp, ndx, mainselection .. Note:: Position restraints are activated with ``-DPOSRES`` directives for :func:`gromacs.grompp`. Hence this will only work if the compound itp file does indeed contain a ``[ posres ]`` section that is protected by a ``#ifdef POSRES`` clause. .. See Also:: :func:`gromacs.setup.MD_restrained` :Keywords: *struct* starting coordinates (leave empty for inspired guess of file name) *mdp* MDP run parameter file for Gromacs *qscript* list of queuing system submission scripts; probably a good idea to always include the default "" even if you have your own [""] *qname* name of the job as shown in the queuing system *startdir* **advanced uses**: path of the directory on a remote system, which will be hard-coded into the queuing system script(s); see :func:`gromacs.setup.MD` and :class:`gromacs.manager.Manager` """ kwargs.setdefault('struct', self._lastnotempty([self.files.energy_minimized, self.files.MD_relaxed])) kwargs.setdefault('mdp', self.mdp['MD_restrained']) kwargs['MDfunc'] = gromacs.setup.MD_restrained return self._MD('MD_restrained', **kwargs)
[docs] def MD_NPT(self, **kwargs): """Short NPT MD simulation. See documentation of :func:`gromacs.setup.MD` for details such as *runtime* or specific queuing system options. The following keywords can not be changed: *top*, *mdp*, *ndx*, *mainselection*. .. Note:: If the system crashes (with LINCS errors), try initial equilibration with timestep *dt* = 0.0001 ps (0.1 fs instead of 2 fs) and *runtime* = 5 ps as done in :meth:`~Simulation.MD_relaxed` .. See Also:: :func:`gromacs.setup.MD` and :meth:`Simulation.MD_relaxed` :Keywords: *struct* starting conformation; by default, the *struct* is the last frame from the position restraints run, or, if this file cannot be found (e.g. because :meth:`Simulation.MD_restrained` was not run) it falls back to the relaxed and then the solvated system. *mdp* MDP run parameter file for Gromacs *runtime* total run time in ps *qscript* list of queuing system scripts to prepare; available values are in :data:`gromacs.config.templates` or you can provide your own filename(s) in the current directory (see :mod:`gromacs.qsub` for the format of the templates) *qname* name of the job as shown in the queuing system *startdir* **advanced uses**: path of the directory on a remote system, which will be hard-coded into the queuing system script(s); see :func:`gromacs.setup.MD` and :class:`gromacs.manager.Manager` """ # user structure or relaxed or restrained or solvated kwargs.setdefault('struct', self.get_last_structure()) kwargs.setdefault('t',self.get_last_checkpoint()) # Pass checkpoint file from md_relaxed kwargs.setdefault('mdp', self.mdp['MD_NPT']) return self._MD('MD_NPT', **kwargs)
# for convenience and compatibility MD = MD_NPT @staticmethod def _checknotempty(value, name): if value is None or value == "": raise ValueError("Parameter %s cannot be empty." % name) return value @staticmethod def _lastnotempty(l): """Return the last non-empty value in list *l* (or None :-p)""" nonempty = [None] + [x for x in l if not (x is None or x == "" or x == [])] return nonempty[-1]
[docs] def get_last_structure(self): """Returns the coordinates of the most advanced step in the protocol.""" return self._lastnotempty([self.files[name] for name in self.coordinate_structures])
[docs] def get_last_checkpoint(self): """Returns the checkpoint of the most advanced step in the protocol. Relies on md.gro being present from previous simulation, assumes that checkpoint is then present. """ return self._lastnotempty([self.files[name] for name in self.checkpoints]).replace('.gro','.cpt')
[docs]class WaterSimulation(Simulation): """Equilibrium MD of a solute in a box of water.""" solvent_default = 'water' dirname_default = os.path.join(Simulation.topdir_default, solvent_default)
class CyclohexaneSimulation(Simulation): """Equilibrium MD of a solute in a box of cyclohexane.""" solvent_default = 'cyclohexane' dirname_default = os.path.join(Simulation.topdir_default, solvent_default)
[docs]class OctanolSimulation(Simulation): """Equilibrium MD of a solute in a box of octanol.""" solvent_default = 'octanol' dirname_default = os.path.join(Simulation.topdir_default, solvent_default)
class WetOctanolSimulation(Simulation): """Equilibrium MD of a solute in a box of wet octanol.""" solvent_default = 'wetoctanol' dirname_default = os.path.join(Simulation.topdir_default, solvent_default) def _setup_solvate(self, **kwargs): sol = gromacs.setup.solvate_sol(**kwargs) with in_dir(self.dirs.solvation, create=False): u = mda.Universe('solvated.gro') octanol = u.select_atoms('resname OcOH') n = octanol.n_residues with in_dir(self.dirs.topology, create=False): gromacs.cbook.edit_txt(self.files.topology, [('OcOH 1', '1', n)]) ionkwargs = kwargs ionkwargs['struct'] = sol['struct'] params = gromacs.setup.solvate_ion(**ionkwargs) return params