Source code for mdpow.forcefields

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# POW package
# Copyright (c) 2012 Oliver Beckstein <>
# Released under the GNU Public License 3 (or higher, your choice)
# See the file COPYING for details.

Force field selection

The :mod:`mdpow.forcefields` module contains settings for selecting
different force fields and the corresponding solvent topologies.

The OPLS-AA, CHARMM/CGENFF and the AMBER/GAFF force field are directly
supported. It is possible to use a different forcefield by implementing
a :class:`Forcefield` with the correct files and supplying suitable
``.mdp`` files. For an example of how to do this, look at the
``martini-example.ipynb`` under ``doc/examples/martini-example``.


Solvent models

Different **water models** are already supported


as well as different general **solvent models**


Internal data

.. autodata:: ALL_FORCEFIELDS

Internal classes and functions

.. autoclass:: GromacsSolventModel

.. autoclass:: Forcefield

.. autofunction:: get_water_model

.. autofunction:: get_solvent_identifier

.. autofunction:: get_solvent_model

import os
from dataclasses import dataclass
from collections import defaultdict
from pathlib import Path
from typing import Dict, List, Union, Optional

import logging

from . import config

logger = logging.getLogger("mdpow.forecefields")
Pathy = Union[str, os.PathLike]

#: Default force field. At the moment, OPLS-AA, CHARMM/CGENFF, and AMBER/GAFF
#: are directly supported. However, it is not recommended to change the
#: default here as this behavior is not tested.

[docs]@dataclass class GromacsSolventModel: """Data for a solvent model in Gromacs.""" identifier: str name: Optional[str] = None itp: Optional[Pathy] = None coordinates: Optional[Pathy] = None description: Optional[str] = None forcefield: str = "OPLS-AA" def __post_init__( self, ): if is None: = str(self.identifier).upper() if self.itp is None: self.itp = self.guess_filename("itp") if self.coordinates is None: self.coordinates = self.guess_filename("gro")
[docs] def guess_filename(self, extension): """Guess the filename for the model and add *extension*""" return self.identifier.lower() + os.extsep + str(extension)
def __repr__(self): return ( "<{0[name]} water: identifier={0[identifier]}, ff={0[forcefield]}>".format( vars(self) ) )
# ------------------------------------------------------------ # Gromacs water models # ------------------------------------------------------------ #: See the file ``top/oplsaa.ff/watermodels.dat`` for a description of #: available water models that are bundled with MDPOW. GMX_WATERMODELS_DAT = """ tip4p TIP4P TIP 4-point, recommended tip3p TIP3P TIP 3-point tip5p TIP5P TIP 5-point spc SPC simple point charge spce SPC/E extended simple point charge m24 M24 TIP 3-point with modified LJ (M24) tip4pd TIP4P-D TIP 4-point with modified dispersion (TIP4P-D) tip4pew TIP4PEW TIP 4-point modified for use with Ewald techniques (TIP4PEW) """ #: For some water models we cannot derive the filename for the equilibrated box #: so we supply them explicitly. SPECIAL_WATER_COORDINATE_FILES = defaultdict( lambda: None, spc="spc216.gro", spce="spc216.gro", tip3p="spc216.gro", m24="spc216.gro", tip4pd="tip4p.gro", tip4pew="tip4p.gro", ) def _create_water_models(watermodelsdat: Path) -> Dict[str, GromacsSolventModel]: models = {} data = watermodelsdat.read_text() for line in data.split("\n"): line = line.strip() if not line or line.startswith("#"): continue fields = line.split() identifier, name = fields[:2] description = " ".join(fields[2:]) models[identifier] = GromacsSolventModel( identifier, name=name, coordinates=SPECIAL_WATER_COORDINATE_FILES[identifier], description=description, ) return models #: See the file ``top/oplsaa.ff/watermodels.dat`` for a description of #: available water models that are bundled with MDPOW. #: Dictionary of :class:`GromacsSolventModel` instances, one for each Gromacs water #: model available under the force field directory. The keys are the water model #: identifiers. #: For OPLS-AA the following ones are available. GROMACS_WATER_MODELS: Dict[str, GromacsSolventModel] = { "tip4p": GromacsSolventModel( "tip4p", name="TIP4P", coordinates=SPECIAL_WATER_COORDINATE_FILES["tip4p"], description="TIP 4-point, recommended", ), "tip3p": GromacsSolventModel( "tip3p", name="TIP3P", coordinates=SPECIAL_WATER_COORDINATE_FILES["tip3p"], description="TIP 3-point", ), "tip5p": GromacsSolventModel( "tip5p", name="TIP5P", coordinates=SPECIAL_WATER_COORDINATE_FILES["tip5p"], description="TIP 5-point", ), "spc": GromacsSolventModel( "spc", name="SPC", coordinates=SPECIAL_WATER_COORDINATE_FILES["spc"], description="simple point charge", ), "spce": GromacsSolventModel( "spce", name="SPC/E", coordinates=SPECIAL_WATER_COORDINATE_FILES["spce"], description="extended simple point charge", ), "m24": GromacsSolventModel( "m24", name="M24", coordinates=SPECIAL_WATER_COORDINATE_FILES["m24"], description="TIP 3-point with modified LJ (M24)", ), "tip4pd": GromacsSolventModel( "tip4pd", name="TIP4P-D", coordinates=SPECIAL_WATER_COORDINATE_FILES["tip4pd"], description="TIP 4-point with modified dispersion (TIP4P-D)", ), "tip4pew": GromacsSolventModel( "tip4pew", name="TIP4PEW", coordinates=SPECIAL_WATER_COORDINATE_FILES["tip4pew"], description="TIP 4-point modified for use with Ewald techniques (TIP4PEW)", ), }
[docs]def get_water_model(watermodel="tip4p"): """Return a :class:`GromacsSolventModel` corresponding to identifier *watermodel*""" try: return GROMACS_WATER_MODELS[watermodel] except KeyError: msg = "{0} is not a valid water model: choose one from {1}".format( watermodel, ", ".join(GROMACS_WATER_MODELS.keys()) ) logger.error(msg) raise ValueError(msg)
[docs]@dataclass class Forcefield: """Contains information about files corresponding to a forcefield. .. versionadded:: 0.9.0 """ name: str solvent_models: Dict[str, GromacsSolventModel] forcefield_dir: Path ions_itp: Path default_water_itp: Path default_water_model: str = "tip4p" water_models: Optional[Dict[str, GromacsSolventModel]] = None def __post_init__(self): """Check that the provided paths exist and populate the :attr:`water_models`.""" for path_ in self.ff_paths: if not path_.exists(): raise ValueError(f"Could not find required forcefield files: {path_}") if self.water_models is None: self.water_models = _create_water_models( self.forcefield_dir / "watermodels.dat" ) @property def ff_paths(self) -> List[Path]: """Get the path to the forcefield directory and the ITP files for the ions and default water model.""" return [self.forcefield_dir, self.ions_itp, self.default_water_itp] def __repr__(self) -> str: """Get the name of the force field.""" return
#: Other solvents (not water, see :data:`GROMACS_WATER_MODELS` for those). NEW_OCTANOL_DESC = "Zangi R (2018) Refinement of the OPLSAA force-field for liquid alcohols.; ACS Omega 3(12):18089-18099. doi: 10.1021/acsomega.8b03132" OPLS_AA_FF_DIR = Path(config.topfiles["oplsaa.ff"]) OPLS_AA = Forcefield( "OPLS-AA", { "octanol": GromacsSolventModel( identifier="octanol", itp="1oct.itp", coordinates="1oct.gro" ), "octanolnew": GromacsSolventModel( identifier="octanol", itp="1octnew.itp", coordinates="1oct.gro", description=NEW_OCTANOL_DESC, ), "cyclohexane": GromacsSolventModel( identifier="cyclohexane", itp="1cyclo.itp", coordinates="1cyclo.gro" ), "wetoctanol": GromacsSolventModel( identifier="wetoctanol", itp="1octwet.itp", coordinates="1octwet.gro" ), "wetoctanolnew": GromacsSolventModel( identifier="wetoctanol", itp="1octwetnew.itp", coordinates="1octwet.gro", description=NEW_OCTANOL_DESC, ), "toluene": GromacsSolventModel( identifier="toluene", itp="1tol.itp", coordinates="1tol_oplsaa.gro" ), }, OPLS_AA_FF_DIR, OPLS_AA_FF_DIR / "ions_opls.itp", OPLS_AA_FF_DIR / "tip4p.itp", ) CHARMM_FF_DIR = Path(config.topfiles["charmm36-mar2019.ff"]) CHARMM = Forcefield( "CHARMM", { "octanol": GromacsSolventModel( identifier="octanol", itp="1oct.itp", coordinates="1oct_charmm.gro" ), "wetoctanol": GromacsSolventModel( identifier="wetoctanol", itp="1octwet.itp", coordinates="1octwet_charmm.gro" ), "cyclohexane": GromacsSolventModel( identifier="cyclohexane", itp="1cyclo.itp", coordinates="1cyclo_charmm.gro" ), "toluene": GromacsSolventModel( identifier="toluene", itp="1tol.itp", coordinates="1tol_charmm.gro" ), }, CHARMM_FF_DIR, CHARMM_FF_DIR / "ions.itp", CHARMM_FF_DIR / "tip3p.itp", default_water_model="tip3p", ) AMBER_FF_DIR = Path(config.topfiles["amber99sb.ff"]) AMBER = Forcefield( "AMBER", { "octanol": GromacsSolventModel( identifier="octanol", itp="1oct.itp", coordinates="1oct_amber.gro" ), "wetoctanol": GromacsSolventModel( identifier="wetoctanol", itp="1octwet.itp", coordinates="1octwet_amber.gro" ), "cyclohexane": GromacsSolventModel( identifier="cyclohexane", itp="1cyclo.itp", coordinates="1cyclo_amber.gro" ), "toluene": GromacsSolventModel( identifier="toluene", itp="1tol.itp", coordinates="1tol_amber.gro" ), }, AMBER_FF_DIR, AMBER_FF_DIR / "ions.itp", AMBER_FF_DIR / "tip3p.itp", default_water_model="tip3p", ) #: The builtin forcefields' names and the corresponding :class:`Forcefield` #: instance ALL_FORCEFIELDS: Dict[str, Forcefield] = { "OPLS-AA": OPLS_AA, "CHARMM": CHARMM, "AMBER": AMBER, } #: Solvents available in GROMACS; the keys of the dictionary #: are the forcefields. GROMACS_SOLVENT_MODELS = { "OPLS-AA": OPLS_AA.solvent_models, "CHARMM": CHARMM.solvent_models, "AMBER": AMBER.solvent_models, } def get_forcefield(ff: Union[str, Forcefield]) -> Forcefield: """Get the :class:`Forcefield` instance corresponding to a given name. .. versionadded:: 0.9.0 """ if isinstance(ff, Forcefield): return ff try: return ALL_FORCEFIELDS[ff] except KeyError: raise ValueError(f"Forcefield `{ff}` not found.")
[docs]def get_solvent_identifier( solvent_type, model=None, forcefield: Union[Forcefield, str] = OPLS_AA ): """Get the identifier for a solvent model. The identifier is needed to access a water model (i.e., a :class:`GromacsSolventModel`) through :func:`get_solvent_model`. Because we have multiple water models but only limited other solvents, the organization of these models is a bit convoluted and it is best to obtain the desired water model in these two steps:: identifier = get_solvent_identifier("water", model="tip3p") model = get_solvent_model(identifier) For ``solvent_type`` *water*: either provide ``None`` or "water" for the specific ``model`` (and the default water model for the :class:`Forcefield` will be selected, or a specific water model such as "tip3p" or "spce" (see :data:`GROMACS_WATER_MODELS`). For other "octanol" or "wetoctanol" of OPLS-AA forcefield, the ``model`` is used to select a specific model. For other solvents and forcefields, "model" is not required. :Raises ValueError: If there is no identifier found for the combination. :Returns: An identifier .. versionchanged:: 0.9.0 Raises :exc:`ValueError` instead of returning ``None``. """ forcefield = get_forcefield(forcefield) if solvent_type == "water": identifier = ( forcefield.default_water_model if model in [None, "water"] else model ) if identifier in forcefield.water_models: return identifier else: raise ValueError( f"{identifier} is not a valid water model for {}." ) if model not in forcefield.solvent_models: if solvent_type in forcefield.solvent_models: model = solvent_type else: raise ValueError( f"Solvent type {solvent_type} not available in {} solvent models." ) return model
[docs]def get_solvent_model(identifier, forcefield: Union[Forcefield, str] = OPLS_AA): """Return a :class:`GromacsSolventModel` corresponding to identifier *identifier*. If identifier is "water" then the default water model for the :class:`Forcefield` is assumed. .. versionchanged:: 0.9.0 Function can now also accept a :class:`Forcefield` for the ``forcefield`` argument. """ forcefield = get_forcefield(forcefield) if identifier == "water": identifier = forcefield.default_water_model try: return forcefield.water_models[identifier] except KeyError: try: return forcefield.solvent_models[identifier] except KeyError: msg = "No solvent model with name {0} is available for forcefield {1}.".format( identifier, ) logger.critical(msg) raise ValueError(msg)
def get_top_template(identifier): """Return the topology file template suitable for the solvent model.""" templates = { "water": "", "octanol": "", "cyclohexane": "", "wetoctanol": "", "toluene": "", } try: return templates[identifier] except KeyError: msg = "No template for solvent {0} is available".format(identifier) logger.critical(msg) raise ValueError(msg)